Saturday 18 December 2010

Weather disappointment...

Last night was great. We ate some delicious food (we each contributed a course) and the wine flowed. My three friends went home at just after midnight so after doing the last of the washing up I sat and watched It's Complicated until 2.30am which was bliss.

Today has been very relaxed. I wrapped all my presents and then Keith and I went for a walk over the fields. It was bitterly cold but very pretty with the snow like icing sugar on the grass and hedges. We were out until way after sunset and while we were walking mum phoned to say that her and dad were well and truly stuck in Milton Keynes where they'd gone to do some shopping. Apparently it was snowing hard there and it took them two hours to drive about half a mile. We'd had a few snow flurries but it was dry for most of the day so I was amazed that the weather could be so different a few miles away.

As I write they have just reached the M1 which has taken them five hours. They had booked a table at a restaurant for 8pm (now cancelled) and Keith and I went to feed the cat so they didn't have to worry about him. They estimate they won't get home until after midnight as the M1 is at a standstill. This snow has been forecast since the early part of last week so it's disgraceful that we can't cope with the weather. What is going on?

I'm pretty disgruntled that we don't have any here. I would love to go for a long walk in the snowy fields but it's not to be. Obviously putting salt down on our car park yesterday (just in case) put the curse on getting any snow!

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