Saturday 4 December 2010

Village affairs

Our phone line still hasn’t been fixed so at the moment I’m using a Vodafone dongle to get online, but it’s very unreliable and extremely slow! It's driving me MAD!!! Roll on Monday when it should be back to normal. The excuse I was given when I called BT was that the engineers were unable to work because of the weather. How did I know I was going to hear that?

First thing this morning we went out for breakfast. I was awake at 6am and suggested to Keith we go out for something to eat, a decision not influenced in any way by Twin Peaks where they are all coffee freaks! Funnily enough Sophie and I watched an episode before we went out and two of the characters were enjoying pancakes, muffins and “damn fine coffee”!

We really should have gone to Buddies but we went to a local Little Chef instead and had a very good breakfast. Keith was delighted to find kippers on the menu as things have certainly changed since Heston Blumenthal took charge! Everything had a posh name and was organically farmed with prices to match but the children raved about their sausage sandwiches and the food was very good and well cooked. Oh, and the coffee was great as well!

After breakfast we drove to work where I picked up the dongle and checked various important things on the internet, such as the National Lottery, and no…we didn’t win anything although we did win £100 on the Premium Bonds so that will come in handy this month with all the repairs we need doing!

In the afternoon we walked to the village to meet mum and to go to the opening of our new village hall. It was a huge improvement on the old one which resembled a Nissen hut and the great and good were wandering around, sipping Cava and eating a lovely buffet. The children managed to stuff their faces before we left for the next event, the school bazaar, which was absolute bedlam. Michael bought about eight jam jars filled with sweets and won a photo calendar on the tombola. Needless to say I didn’t win anything!

We dropped mum back off at home before Soph and I went to Beckworth Emporium. It was heaving with people and the car park was full, probably because of the ice skating rink which was doing a great job of attracting people in the lead-up to Christmas. Sophie and I wandered around their food hall, amazed at the amount of things for sale and having a good look at what others were buying, some of it complete tat!

I was persuaded to buy some gorgeous bread, a tray of mince pies and some chocolate before we left and headed home in the dusk drizzle. It’s been marginally milder today and at one point we reached the dizzy heights of 3 degrees!

Back home we put up the Christmas tree, this year in the conservatory. Its normal home in the window prevents me from watching the TV in my normal spot on the sofa and we can’t draw the curtains and be cosy, so I suggested putting it in the conservatory where there’s more room. The children went to town with the decorating and by the time night had fallen the house was ablaze with lights!

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