Sunday 5 September 2010

Where has the weekend gone?

This weekend, as usual, has passed in a flash. Mikey was much better on Saturday morning and ate some toast for breakfast, so I'm convinced it was one of the 24 hour bugs that does the rounds. We had a very quiet day at home but that all changed in the evening when a music festival started up in the village. We didn't go, but we could hear the music, word for word, up until 11pm last night. It was a bit like being in the middle of Glastonbury and I heard that a good time was had by all.

I continued to research the family tree and I'm finding it utterly fascinating. All my relatives seem to come alive when I add them to the tree and then find out what they were doing years ago, but I don't think I'm going to find any huge surprises - most of them were ordinary farm labourers although one was a Blacksmith and the other a "Horsekeeper" which I took at first to be a tinker, but then realised it was a groom!

This afternoon mum and I went to the garden centre (Sophie didn't come with us - too boring) but I'm going to try and hang onto the summer bedding plants for another couple of weeks before I put in the winter flowering pansies. I have a suspicion the garden centre was gearing up for Christmas as there were lots of empty spaces, no doubt destined to be colour-coded displays!

Back at Mum's I borrowed a few birth certificates from her which should help me a little further in my quest!

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