Monday 20 September 2010

Pattern of my days

I'm a lover of routine, if I'm really honest with myself. I sometimes think I'd like to have big changes in my life, but secretly, I love the pattern my life makes most days. There are times when I wonder what my life would have been like if I'd married someone different, lived somewhere different or just changed a few details of my life. I drive past houses in the town and wonder what the children would be like if we lived in a big city rather than the country. I toy with the idea of moving abroad (France) but when I look at houses for sale and imagine the children starting a new school and the huge upheaval that would bring, I turn tail and run back to the comfort of my own home.

I think it's nice to fantasise about suddenly living a totally different life and sometimes if I write a story I'll live out that fantasy through my character which is safe! That's one of the lovely things about writing. I can be who I want to be through my characters safe in the knowledge that it's them and not me living life differently!

It's the same with the property programmes I like to watch. A couple of them are devoted to people moving abroad or having a big change of scenery and I look at the houses and try to imagine myself in them...sometimes it's a very strange feeling!

So today has been like most other Mondays. And really, that suits me just fine!


Anonymous said...

Jane there's worse things in life than being happy & contented with your lot (obviously!).Its lovely to hear, & I must admit to feeling the same most of the time. Things are not always greener on the other side of the fence! Cheryl xx

Janie said...

Thanks Cheryl! I agree!! xxx