Sunday 19 September 2010

Going cycling

We had a big argument with Mikey this morning. While Sophie stayed at home, Keith, Mikey and me went to get the Sunday papers and Mikey took £1 from his piggy bank and bought himself a disgusting sweet in the shop. I didn't go in, but when he got back in the car and I saw what he bought, I confiscated it which resulted in him shouting at me and saying he hated us. The sweet was virtually hardened sugar, pumped full of colourings and chemicals and I threw it in the bin when we got home. I tried to explain why he didn't need it and when he calmed down I suggested we go for a bike ride around Pitsford (7 miles) and then we'd go back to the shop and he could choose something else as a treat. I was trying to explain that to eat something like he'd chosen, he'd need to at least run a marathon to use up all the energy!

So in the afternoon, Mikey and I packed the bikes in the car and off we went. It's been a while since I cycled around Pitsford but I was pretty pleased with our performance even though the wind was against us for half the way and there were several ups and downs!

We went back to the shop and he chose a bag of Chicken bites and then we called in to see mum and dad for a cup of tea. Mikey thoroughly enjoyed all the attention and the argument of the morning was long forgotten!

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