Wednesday 26 May 2010

A little weary...

Last night, or rather this morning, I awoke at 3am and found it almost impossible to get back to sleep. I don't think the meal we had at the pub helped, but I lay there listening to all the night sounds and wondered what on earth was going on in our back garden. Shortly before 4am, Keith thought he heard something as well so went to investigate downstairs, but everything was OK. I did manage to go back to sleep, but woke up heavy headed and tired, before I'd even started the day.

Keith came into work and did a lot of the mowing while I grappled with the payroll. It was lunchtime by the time I finished all the paperwork and then I went out and swept some of the car-park and fed our two resident crows who are always hovering about on the lookout for food. I threw some biscuits down for them and watched them as they watched me. Needless to say, when I went back into the building and then came out again, all the biscuits had gone...

We went to the garden centre, had lunch (two very over-priced sandwiches) and then I bought some geraniums, verbena and begonias for the garden. We arrived back at work shortly before 3pm and I managed to get them all planted before I went to pick Sophie up from school.

Back home, I did some more gardening and then had a long soak in the bath, trying very hard not to fall asleep!

PS...we have a feeling we know what the noise was all about last night. Archie wouldn't eat anything this morning and Keith thought he was a bit off-colour. It wasn't until he got home this afternoon and went into the garden that he discovered a dead bird under our table. We're not sure what it is but it has talons and a curved beak, almost as if it's a bird of prey. It was picked clean and not a scrap of meat remained. No wonder he didn't want any breakfast this morning!

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