Thursday 6 May 2010

Election Day

So, the day has finally arrived and Britain goes to the polls. We went to vote this evening and had a lovely stroll into the village to cast our votes. We'd planned to have a sneaky drink in the pub on the way home, but it was closed! I think they may have missed out on an opportunity there!

Today has been busy (a lot of schools were closed for polling), but not nearly as stressful as yesterday. The weather, so grey and horrible this morning, changed as I was driving home, to a lovely sunny evening. 

Tonight I plan to stay up until at least midnight to see what happens.. I'm praying that the future of this country will be brighter and I'm sure I'm not alone in wishing for less crime, lower taxes and rewards for those of us who work hard and contribute to society...somehow I fear, though, that we'll all have to scale a few hurdles before these wishes come true.

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