Monday 3 May 2010

April May!

Today has been a real mixed bag, weather wise. We've had sunshine, rain and hail and lots of wind! Despite the showers, I managed to get all my washing dry on the line which was lovely. I love the air dried smell of clean sheets.

Our Bank Holiday Monday started off with a bit of drama. Sophie had a nose bleed but it just wouldn't stop, even though we told her to sit quietly. After a while, and with it still gushing from her nose, she started to panic (and I must admit I did as well). Keith, ever calm and controlled, made her lie down flat and keep still and of course it stopped, but there was blood everywhere! On the cloakroom floor, all over her top, all over her face (she looked like she'd been beaten up) and bloody tissues everywhere! Both Sophie and Michael have colds at the moment, so they're going through loo roll like nobody's business and I'm finding them on every surface...

After the drama was over, I spent the morning doing housework and I soaked some tiny vine seeds that Sue gave me for Christmas. In a couple of days, I'll sow them and then hopefully have some baby vines which I'll plant into bigger pots. Who knows? One day I may have Chateau Janie! Keith put up my new lizard and plant holder in the garden and they look very good!

In the afternoon we made another trip to the garden centre with mum and I bought a periwinkle for the empty border. The place was heaving with people so it looks like everyone had the same idea!

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