Wednesday 19 May 2010

Blood, sweat but no tears.

It's been a hard day! Keith and I mowed the Nursery gardens and strimmed the edges and then tackled the large piece of lawn that borders the entrance which was totally overgrown and covered in dead leaves and fallen branches. We filled six black bags full of garden rubbish and there's still more to do. It was very warm in the sun and by 3pm we'd both had enough! We enjoyed it though and it was great to see the difference we'd made in a short time.

I picked up Sophie from school, drove home and had a quick bath before going to give blood. This time I had a man strike up a conversation with me which I didn't mind, but I was rather bemused! He was perfectly pleasant and I learnt all about his holidays, his plans to be in Aberdeen next week and his wife nagging him about a holiday this year!

It was great to get home, have a drink and relax after the strenuous day!

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