Wednesday 27 January 2010

Are my eyes still on my face?

Today I asked hubby if I'd grown another eye in the middle of my forehead as everyone kept looking at me. I'm not sure why this happens, but it does, or maybe after the first couple of people I was becoming paranoid. I went to give blood this evening and two men smiled at me (I'm not being boastful) and a woman then told me her life story. I sometimes think I have that kind of face. Weirdos are attracted to me (or maybe I draw them to me) and I've lost count of the times that complete strangers have just struck up conversations with me and told me loads of things. It happened just last week when I went to Soph's school. A woman came and sat next to me and the next thing I know, she's telling me all about her tax return and how difficult she found it to complete online and then how much she owed and so on and so on...

I don't mind. I am genuinely interested in people and love finding out what they do as it's valuable material for someone who pretends to write (like me). I'd rather be seen as someone people can trust rather than someone people keep their distance from!! was a much better Wednesday than last week. The whole day went smoothly and there were no hassles (as yet). Our new bouncy castle seems to be going down well with our customers, the adults more than the children at times!!

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