Sunday 24 January 2010

Busy day.

I was awoken from a lovely sleep in the early hours by a neighbour's alarm going was probably the daughter coming home in the wee small hours, but it certainly wasn't welcomed!! After returning to deep slumber, a small plane then woke me up! It sounded like it was going to land in our garden!

I used to be really good at sleep and would never wake at all during the night, but over the last few years hardly a night has gone by when I don't wake at some point. It's so ironic, as the children obviously sleep right through now but it's me that's lying awake at 2am!

Anyway, due to our disturbed sleep we didn't wake until 9am when a grumpy Mikey came in and asked why we were still in bed!

The rest of the day was busy and the afternoon spent shopping for Mikey's birthday and new shoes. The sun made a brief appearance in the afternoon, but then it rained heavily towards evening. They have forecast more snow for tomorrow but not for us.

My Birthday flowers are still going strong...

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