Friday 22 January 2010

End of the week...

Tonight was definitely a girly night. When I got in from work Soph was about to watch "Bride Wars" so we both settled down on the sofa to watch and it was very enjoyable! Parts of it were extremely funny and others were very moving. A great chick flick!

While hubby was at the pub (luckily he had a lift tonight!) Sue came over for a glass of wine and a gossip. I bought a bottle of Turning Leaf Pinot Grigio which went down extremely well with some nibbles that Sue provided. We had a great chat and there was lots of laughter as well which ended the week very nicely.

Sophie also recieved a letter today from her friend Stephanie who moved to New Zealand, which was lovely. They were born on the same day and were great friends at school. I really miss her mum, Lesley, who I was great friends with - we shared many a juicy gossip over a bottle of wine and when she moved we tried to keep in touch but it's not so easy to do that when someone is many thousands of miles away and you just don't get the same enjoyment from writing email or letters that you do over a good girly chat.

So another week is over and the weekend is here!. Yay! Bring it on!

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