Monday 25 January 2010


Getting up this morning was very difficult. I delayed and delayed opening my eyes and even contemplated calling in sick at work, something I haven't done for years...It doesn't help that it's so dark at 7am and I could quite happily have stayed under the duvet all day.

I went into work though, and had a busy day. Who needs the gym when it's cleaning day on a Monday? I helped dad fold up the small bouncy castle which sounds easy, but isn't. I then went out into the car park with mum and we braved the bitter wind to clear away all the litter and empty the disgusting cigarette box which was in danger of catching light. After that, I cleaned the green slide which was an almost impossible job as I had to contort my body into tiny spaces as it's confined to a netted area and is the most difficult to clean! It looked all shiny when I finished though so I did have a sense of achievement!

A busy evening followed (I hate Monday nights!) and it was a relief to sit down with a wee dram to celebrate Burn's Night.

Michael is 10 tomorrow. I can't believe it...

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