Sunday 24 March 2024

The first cut

We all had a relaxing start to the day, and Sophie made mammoth preparations for tonight's chicken and pasta soup. It sounds simple, but it wasn't, as she had to poach a whole chicken with vegetables and do a lot of chopping and blending!

I went out into the back garden and managed to cut the grass. It was long and damp, but I felt very pleased when I'd finished, as it looked a lot neater. Once it gets a bit warmer I'll sprinkle grass seed over the whole lawn to fill in any gaps. We don't have any birds coming into the garden now, mainly because of the little predators we've introduced but also because we daren't put any food out to attract them. Keith and I now have to go to the tip with the dismantled garden benches, and then we can look to replace them in time for the summer. Let's hope we can sit out and enjoy the garden this year!

Sophie was kept busy today and insisted on hoovering the house after she'd finished preparing dinner. The sun has shone all day but the wind has been cold. Winter has not released its grip yet!

In the evening we played cards with our new Lisbon pack and I thrashed Sophie, much to her annoyance. I begged her to make me a "Vegroni" again tonight. We had two last night and they were delicious. She'd used vodka instead of gin and added pineapple to the Campari and sweet vermouth. We each enjoyed one while we played cards, and then opened a bottle of our Marque de Caceres Rosé which was beautifully fruity and drinkable.

Sophie put the finishing touches to our hearty soup and it was lovely served with garlic bread. Bravo!

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