Monday 11 March 2024

Getting ready!

I had a busy shift at work, trying to finish everything before my Wednesday break. I had a list of things that needed doing and was determined to tick most of them off! I'm only in next Monday before having Tuesday and Wednesday off, and Sara is also off for a couple of days, so I wanted to get as much done as possible!

At 4pm, I left to go home, and as I neared the house, two cats dashed across the road. It was Gomez and a cat that lives around the corner. We'd originally thought that the two cats were friendly, but today I wasn't so sure as Gomez looked scared, and his tail was like a thick bottle brush, it was so bristly! I stopped the car and called out to him but he disappeared into the bushes. 

Once I'd parked the car on the drive I went to find him and the slightest noise had him on edge. I finally managed to get him by bribing him with treats, and took my bristly boy into the house! We always used to think that Monty was friends with another local cat called Joe, but one night we witnessed them growling at one another, so that was quickly disproved!

The rest of the evening was spent trying to get ready for our trip to Lisbon. This morning I'd put out the clothes I wanted to take,  but the weather forecast had changed slightly, with a couple of days looking cloudy. It was still warm, though!

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