Sunday 10 March 2024

Celebrating Mums!

I think Mother's Day is earlier this year, and I suppose it depends on when Easter falls. The weather has been horrible, with non-stop rain and heavy grey skies. What hint of Spring there was yesterday has well and truly gone!

I woke up in a grouchy mood, and I have no idea why! Sophie went to the gym early for a run, and when she arrived back we had toast for breakfast with coffee, and she gave me a lovely card. She went to get ready for her visit to Leicester with Vikesh while I mooched about, stared out at the rain and continually mopped the conservatory floor, where the cats were in and out.

I was seeing Mum in the afternoon and bringing her back for tea and cake, so once the cats were in, I shut the door, cleaned up for one last time and wouldn't let them out again. I couldn't see the point, to be honest! They were just getting soaked!

In the early afternoon, I sloshed over to Kettering to pick up Mum. Before I collected her I popped into the nearby Co-op and bought a chilled bottle of Cava and a cake. Back at home, we enjoyed our cake and Cava and the cats came to say hello. They were a little aloof, as cats can be, and I relented and let them out into the garden. 

I couldn't help thinking back to Mother's Days in the past when we would travel down to Kent to take the Nans out for lunch, and what a slimmed-down version we were having today. I told Mum about our trip to Lisbon and said I would bring her some Portuguese chocolates home.

Keith came with me when I took her back and it was raining heavily again. The roads are awash with rainwater and it doesn't take long for them to flood because the surrounding fields are so saturated. When we arrived home, both cats were curled up on the sofa so they obviously didn't want to be out! I locked the door, drew the curtains over the double doors and said that was that for the evening. No more wet cats!

The usual Sunday evening chores then followed: making up porridge, lunches, feeding cats, emptying the washing machine, filling the tumble dryer... it goes on and on! Roll on Wednesday!

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