Thursday 24 June 2021

Nasty, crawly things!

Keith went to do the shopping this morning, while I busied myself with doing loads of laundry and catching up with some financial chores. Unfortunately, the weather wasn't great for drying the washing, as it was overcast, grey and dreary! Nothing at all like yesterday!

I pootled about for the rest of the morning and decided to sort out all the pet food pouches that had been dropped off. Sophie and I are planning to go to Milton Keynes on Saturday and I didn't want to leave it until the weekend to package them up. I decided to sort everything on our dining room table, which soon proved to be a mistake... the majority were clean and dry, but then we hit on a bag of pouches that hadn't even been rinsed and maggots were crawling over them! Yuk!

I had no choice but to bin the whole lot as there was no way I was going to put them in my car and take them to George in Milton Keynes like that! If this carries on - and it really is just a small minority of people who are too lazy to wash them - then we're going to stop accepting them, which will be a huge shame as they'll go into landfill instead.

Keith had been helping me, but seeing the maggots had freaked us both out, and we kept scratching for the rest of the afternoon! We went to collect Mike who told us that he was going out in the evening with friends and wouldn't be joining us for dinner. He dashed upstairs to have a shower, and came back down smelling strongly of aftershave! We drove him to the outskirts of Northampton, where he was meeting a group of friends at The Lumbertubs pub, and hoped he wouldn't be too late home. It's an early start in the morning for him!

Back home, Keith and I had a lovely hot bath and felt a lot better! We enjoyed a delicious chilli con Carne for dinner and the vegetables that I'd hidden in the sauce earlier (so Mike didn't pick them out... how ironic!) added to the flavour! After dinner, just as I was starting the washing up with Sophie, Ruth dropped yet more pet food pouches off, and we had a conversation about the dirty ones. She agreed with me about stopping so we'll just hope that my message on the ROAR! Facebook page works!

Mike was indeed late home this evening - we went to bed at our usual time and he wasn't home, and I think I fell asleep and woke up at 11pm. He'd texted us at about 9pm to say he had to start tomorrow at 5am, an hour earlier than normal, and I knew it was a mistake to go out and have a few beers with his friends! By 11.30pm I was really quite worried, but he came home fifteen minutes later thank goodness! Phew!

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