Saturday 5 June 2021

Lunchtime treats!

Mike had booked his second jab today, so this morning at 10am, we drove over to Weedon, to the medical centre there. I don't really know why our surgery has teamed up with Weedon when it's quite a way away, but we were glad he was able to have his second jab, and Sophie is going tomorrow!

The weather was absolutely beautiful with just the right temperature, blue skies, white fluffy clouds and sunshine. Before we left we'd had a pamphlet pushed through our letterbox about a train journey to Settle in Cumbria. You could enjoy a whole day's trip, with breakfast, afternoon tea, and dinner, and we were seriously considering it for Keith's 75th birthday in September. It looked wonderful!

Mike was in and out very quickly, and we returned home where I jumped onto the computer to see if I could find out more about the train journey! To my disappointment, it was fully booked, so why had we received the pamphlets in the first place?!

Sophie and I drove over to Olney at lunchtime where we'd booked a table at Teapots for 1pm. The traffic on the way over was busy, and we think it had something to do with a Ferrari show at Sywell Aerodrome. We were nearly late, but arrived 2 minutes after our booked time, thank goodness! We had telephoned ahead to say we might be late, and I was worried about parking in the busy town centre.

We had a delicious lunch followed by tea and cake! It has been a long time!

I chose a toasted cheese and onion sandwich while Sophie opted for the Club sandwich, and both were served with salad. We enjoyed raspberry lemonades with the sandwiches. but went for the traditional pot of tea with our cakes - lemon and yoghurt, and coffee and walnut. 

After we'd eaten we had a look in the shops, and Sophie found some gorgeous 1950s glasses etched with pretty leaves. Another addition to our collection! She also found a beautiful brand new dress and some trousers in a charity shop, so she did very well! It was a warm afternoon, and Olney was packed with people so after looking in a few shops we decided to head home. 

At 5pm Sophie and I played Scrabble in the conservatory and enjoyed a new cocktail made with Campari, white wine and tonic water. The first ones we served in our beautiful glasses we found in Olney last year...

Keith barbecued this evening and excelled himself. Mike didn't join us as he'd been out for lunch with a friend and had eaten a steak and a beefburger! No wonder he still felt full hours later!

Our film choice this evening was an older one - The Lincoln Lawyer starring the gorgeous Matthew McConaughey. It was riveting!

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