Monday 21 June 2021

A chilly solstice!

Today was the day when restrictions should have been eased in England, but as we all know now, they have been extended until the 19 July. There has been a massive push to get all over 18s vaccinated and long queues were seen at vaccination centres over the weekend. Let's just hope that as many people as possible are vaccinated in the next few weeks!

I was back at work this morning and we had a pleasant shift for once, with not too many phone calls! Sheila brought over some details about the holiday activities and crash courses which need to be put on - my next task!

The weather today has been disappointing again, with overcast grey skies and heavy rain showers in the evening. It has also been chilly so not at all like the summer solstice should be! After today, the nights start drawing in... can you believe it!

After dinner, Keith and I indulged in our latest TV programme - Swamp People: Serpent Invasion! It's hilarious and is set in the Florida Everglades. The snakes are enormous!

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