Wednesday 6 May 2020

May is the loveliest month.

Day 44

This morning I decided to clean underneath our carport as it was covered in cobwebs and spider nests...ugh! I also wanted to clean the two struts that are painted white so I could re-paint them. I took our old hoover out and with a combination of using the soft nozzle and a brush, I managed to dislodge all the webs and dust, so it looked much better. I noticed that Vince and Sue's next door was looking a lot cleaner than ours, so they must have done theirs recently!

It's been yet another gorgeous day with clear blue skies and plenty of sunshine. At lunchtime we all popped over to Mum's but they were just about to sit down to a meal so we said we'd call back later. I found out that my Dad will be in rehabilitation for a good while so Mum needs to make some decisions over the next couple of days. One thing is clear - she still needs help in the house as I don't want her living on her own.

It was lovely to potter about in the afternoon and at 4pm Keith and I went back over and sat with her in the garden. She feels that a care home would be the best option for them both and I had to agree. I'm still not sure whether she fully grasped the meaning of her decision, though.

Back home, after Sophie finished work for the day, we all went out for a walk up to the village. This time of year is truly beautiful and the mayflower was out, as well as cow parsley and a host of wild flowers.

We walked through the sheep field and noticed that all of the ewes had been shorn! They looked so skinny and bald, bless them!

As usual, there were loads of people out and about - the roads are full of cyclists and the paths are full of dog-walkers and people getting out for some exercise. We walked into the village and I noticed that the horse-chestnut blossom was out. To me, this looks like candles on the branches and I think the trees are beautiful at this time of year,

We ambled back home and went to see the horses but they were far off at the end of the field and didn't seem interested in coming to see us. Back home it was time to relax and then Sophie made delicious fajitas for dinner. Scrumptious!

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