Saturday 16 May 2020

It's Eurovision, but not as we know it!

Day 54

I was determined to have a weekend off from worrying about my parents and we had no plans to do anything today except relax. Keith and I went to get the newspapers first thing and then we spent the day pottering about the house.

I changed our bedding and Sophie did hers, I transferred a lot of my blog from 2013 onto a word document and made a Pavlova in the afternoon, as tonight we were going to watch "Eurovision" on the television.

Sophie loves to have Beef Stroganoff and Pavlova on one of her favourite days of the year and we'd changed the menu tonight so we could pretend it was a normal Eurovision Song contest Saturday! Last year we'd got into trouble as we were at Richard and Michelle's house for Eurovision and actually today, I was supposed to be going to Brighton with my friends, but of course, this has been cancelled. I think Sophie would have murdered me if things had been normal and I'd been absent again!

While the meringue was cooking I helped Sophie apply the blonde colour to her hair and then I had a lovely soak in the bath. The weather for most of today has been disappointing with quite a bit of cloud about and cooler temperatures from what we were expecting.

Sophie's hair didn't go quite as expected and I would say that her hair is now a strawberry blond, but it looks lovely and she was pleased.

The evening's Eurovision was great and kicked off with a playlist of great songs from the past. At the end of the programme we were invited to vote on our favourite and I chose a German song from 2010 by Lena. Waterloo, by Abba won overall!

The show was only two hours long and we had a taster of all forty songs with a short comment by each of the singers afterwards. I found it very emotional and I think Graham Norton did as well. Keith and I both agreed we enjoyed it more than normal,  but it was lovely that we were able to celebrate it after all. Roll on 2021!

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