Saturday 23 May 2020

Annoying rules

Day 61

We had a very lazy start to the day watching A Place in the Sun, which featured properties in rural France. Some of the houses were old and a bit run-down but were selling for less than £100,000! I'm not sure you could get one for that price these days (the programme was made in 2014)!

I had spoken to Lynn the other day and she had hinted that she had loads of pet food pouches ready to go to the recycling man in Milton Keynes, so Sophie and I agreed to go today. Lynn brought them along in a wheelbarrow and they filled the boot of my car! We did a swap and she took a bag full of crisp and snack wrappers, sweet wrappers, old plant pots and our glass shower screen which she'd asked to have back in October. It felt good to have rescued all of this from landfill! We had a chat and then I went back to putting my new plants into pots.

It's been extremely windy today but  mostly dry and sunny, although we have had the odd shower and it really chucked it down on the way to Milton Keynes. It was more like April showers than May weather!

After taking all the recycling we headed back, Sophie popped into Boots and then we drove to Farndon Fields to get some goodies. There was a long queue of people waiting to go in and the last time we visited, two weeks ago, Sophie and I were allowed to go in together. There were several couples in the queue and even a couple with a baby in a pram, but they had changed the rules and said we had to go in separately and stay apart from each other for the usual two metres, even though we're from the same household!

I have to say I am getting mightily fed up with all this now. Everywhere you go you have to queue and I know it's for a good reason, but everything takes so long and I was annoyed by all the signs in Farndon Fields telling us to stay two metres apart from other people. Unless you had been hiding under a rock for the last few months, you would know exactly to do that! We don't need to keep seeing reminders! I will never take for granted just walking into a shop again!

I was mightily miffed by the changed rules so I refused to buy anything in the farm shop and we both said that we would leave visiting again until this lockdown is over, whenever that will be. Beckworth was a much better experience, as they allowed couples in so if we want some nice foods we'll go there instead. Plus, it's nearer! Sophie treated us to some food for lunch and we enjoyed it in the car on our scenic route overlooking the beautiful fields and hedgerows.

Back home we relaxed and started watching Suspicion starring Cary Grant and Joan Fontaine. We are really into the old black and white movies at the moment! Half way through, Sophie said she really fancied a Chinese takeaway but our local delivery is still closed. Amazingly, the takeaway in Broughton were delivering so we phoned up, placed an order and sat back to look forward to a treat!

The food arrived on time, was delicious and value for money. We even had Fortune Cookies and a free bag of prawn crackers. Fab!

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