Thursday 9 February 2017

Annoying habits!

Today, like every morning so far this week, has dawned grey and misty with not a hint of sunshine at all. It does make it a bit depressing, I have to say. How I long for sunshine and blue skies!

We took the kids to college and uni and came back to get showered before heading over to Kettering to do our shopping. Once that was done it was home for a late breakfast/early Christmas do for us this week!

The next few days are supposed to be very cold, with winds coming from the East bringing snow showers. Whether we will get any decent snow remains to be seen!

Unfortunately, Monty is banned from the house yet again because the other afternoon he sprayed in the kitchen. After getting back in from collecting Sophie and Mike, I went into the conservatory and all he did was yowl to be let in, even though his warm beds are outside in the garage. It really is a problem for us at the moment and I'm at my wits' end as to how to resolve it. Looking at the internet it says that cats spray because of territorial issues or when they feel threatened. Seeing as Monty lives a lovely life of warm beds, plentiful food and lots of attention, I can't see how that can be. He has sprayed all other the house, from our bedrooms, in the living room on the chairs and sofa and once, all over my wine rack. The nappies didn't work, so maybe I can get some kind of pull-on pant for him to wear!

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