Monday 13 February 2017

A chill wind blows.

Even though we have seen a welcome return of the sunshine today, it has still been bitterly cold because of the chilly wind.

We had a lazy start to the day (I always seem to wake up late on Mondays!) and took Sophie to uni at midday. I managed to write a fair amount of my assignment before we went so that's a weight off my mind. I just have one more question to do and I'm finished. It's been a hard slog, I have to admit, and I just hope that I have passed the entire course. I really don't fancy doing it again!

After we dropped Sophie off at uni, we went to Lidl to do some shopping. Miraculously we had Mike with us and he picked out some foods that he wanted although, sadly, the supermarket didn't stock Poptarts! I always feel like I'm in a European supermarket when we go to Lidl and I enjoyed looking at all the different cold meats and cheeses on offer.

After Lidl we popped into Homesense as I still had a £20 voucher to spend. I picked out a new cafetiere and some coffee, as well as a bar of luxury chocolate and a box of biscuits! Mike and I ate the chocolate on the way to pick up Sophie!

We dropped our son off in Brixworth on the way home and both Sophie and I settled down to do some work. I received an email from a recruitment agency in Wellingborough regarding a job I'd applied for about two weeks ago and was asked if I could attend an interview next week. This was a bit of a shock as I'd resigned myself to the thought that I hadn't been successful!

Outside, the sun was still shining so we decided to walk Monty around the estate for half an hour, just to get some fresh air. We went to see the horses, but they were far off in the distance so we walked back and did a circuit of the estate. Half way around we saw Keith coming towards us and he asked us the time...we'd missed a telephone appointment with Sophie's doctor! I felt awful as I was the one who had suggested going for a walk, but Keith said the doctor had told him Sophie's results and they were normal, which was great.

We did another circuit and then went back inside and tried the swim nappy on Monty again. He was having none of it so he is still out in the garage but seemed happy enough curled up on his cosy bed!

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