Wednesday 22 February 2017

A busy day!

Today I was back at the Citizens Advice Bureau and we were busy right from the start, with people turning up for advice en masse. We also ran out of copier paper and data forms so I had to run off to the main office to get supplies.

We closed for a short while at lunchtime and Frank and Gill had a very interesting conversation about cruise holidays. It was lovely to hear about memories and future plans and it took us out of ourselves for a little bit!

When we re-opened, the hordes descended again, including a woman who had been a bit of a nuisance in the past and who proved to be trouble again. Priya saw her and in the end had to ask her to leave. She then started on Frank and I and in the end we had to shut the door as she kept going on and on and accusing us of all sorts of things! It was not a pleasant experience. I escaped at 3pm as Frank volunteered to shut the offices up and Priya and I walked to the car park in the rain.

Back home it was bliss to settle down and watch James Martin's Adventures in France with a glass of wine. More escapism!

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