Sunday 19 February 2017

A short walk.

As I hadn't been for a walk since we did the ten miles a while back I suggested that this morning we get out for a stroll. We decided to go down the track to the nature reserve and then back up to the village, which would take just over an hour.

It was a cloudy morning but I hoped that the sun would break through. It certainly wasn't cold! The ground was very muddy, though and heavy going once we entered the reserve. I was delighted to spot a young Muntjac deer sitting in the trees and once he saw us he slowly got up and ambled off, showing no fear at all.

As we were nearing home we met Sue and Paul with the doggies and we had a good chat. Richard and Michelle then drove past so it was all very sociable! It meant that our pace on Map My Walk was a bit slower than normal!

As soon as we got home, Keith and I went to get the Sunday papers and then it was home to cook a breakfast of grilled frankfurters, scrambled egg and potato waffles. Just what we needed after our fresh air and exercise!

It was shaping up to be a lovely day so I swept up all the leaves in front of the house and hoed the soil. The robin made an appearance and looked at me as if to say, "Find me the worms, then"! Sophie and I took all the dead leaves and some of the cuttings from yesterday to the tip and then went to get my car washed. I finished it off when we got home and by 4pm I was ready to sit down and read the Sunday newspapers!

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