Thursday 23 June 2016


I haven't really mentioned the referendum up until now but I can say I'm heartily sick of it and will be glad when it's all decided, one way or another. Having said that, I intend to stay up as late as I can tonight to find out the results although the general opinion is that we won't really know if we're in or out until sometime on Friday morning.

Keith and I have obviously talked about it a lot, as I have with some of my friends and family. I am definitely voting to leave as is Sophie, but I think Keith is still unsure, although he is veering towards the Leave campaign. Sometimes I wish David Cameron had never called the referendum as I do think that it's a great responsibility for us all to have and if the vote goes something like 51% to remain and 49% to leave, how can that be good for the country?

My worries are that if we stay in the EU then our little country will become ever more crowded and more and more land will have to be given over to build yet more houses. I'm also worried that our unique British identity will be eroded away until we'll just be a mass of different cultures and nationalities.

Anyway, today has been the usual Thursday and before we took Sophie to work and went shopping we wrote out our weekly menu and our list. Today has been very cloudy and humid with some violent thunderstorms affecting some parts of the country. When we emerged from Aldi, which is always very cold, it was like coming out of a supermarket somewhere in Spain or Greece!

We picked up Sophie from work and MIke from Brixworth and on the way home we went to vote in the local Polling Station. Keith and I had planned on going for a drink afterwards, so we dropped the kids off at home and went back to the pub to sit in the window where we watched the village turning out to vote.

In the evening we started watching a French drama about a missing teenage girl (The Disappearance) and at 10pm we turned to BBC for news of the referendum. It's going to be a long night!

Some photos of our squirrel, Cyril...

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