Thursday 9 June 2016

Getting back to normal

Today has been a lovely day - very sunny and warm - which made it a shame that Sophie was at work for most of it. Next week she's not working as many hours so let's hope we have some sun then! Mike was also in at school for an exam but I warned him that Keith and I were going shopping mid-morning and he might not be able to get a lift home until later! He had told me he was going to stay every day and get the bus, but that soon stopped!

I had been quite happy to go shopping on my own but Keith insisted on coming with me, perhaps he didn't trust me! We were all done and finished by 1pm, though, and just as we were about to make lunch the phone rang and it was Mike. Could I go and pick him up?

He was a lot more cheerful than the other day and chatted happily to me about his exams. I think part of the reason for him being so cheerful was that he'd spoken to Heather for a little while. I'm just hoping that after the stress of the exams they'll get back together.

I went to pick Sophie up at 6.30pm. a bit later than I'd have liked and was surprised to find Jeanette in cleaning with her husband. We had a long chat while Sophie finished clearing up so that was good. It's great to be able to stay in touch with our old staff so in one way I hope that Sophie doesn't find another job!

We returned home to help Keith make the evening meal of chicken curry. Things are slowly returning to normal!

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