Monday 6 June 2016

Coming home!

Michael had an exam first thing this morning so I took him into school and then came home to do the ironing. Once that was finished and I was preparing the vegetables for dinner, the phone rang and it was Keith to say he was ready to come home! I'd spoken to him earlier in the morning and he said he could come home later in the day so I was delighted! My last trip to the hospital!

He was still a bit fragile and begged me to drive slowly and carefully on the way home as he still had a fair bit of pain in his stomach. I'm sure most of it is now down to the incisions rather than trapped wind. We arrived home without any mishaps and I got him settled. He's now my responsibility!

Mike called me to ask me to pick him up from school (so much for getting the school bus!) and on the way home he got very upset about his break-up with Heather which was a bit of a shock. He had a bag of his clothes with him and which he'd left at her house so maybe that was the catalyst for his sadness. Again, what a time to break up!

When I'd picked Keith up the nurse said I had to return to get some more of his medication so after making sure both boys were OK, Sophie and I went to Tesco to buy food for dinner for the next two nights and then to go to the hospital. I asked my lovely daughter to go to the ward for me as I just didn't have any more change for parking and at £3 for 0-3 hours I was loathe to pay for just a few minutes.

Sophie said the ward was hectic but she came out with what he needed and we headed thankfully for home. At last! No more visits!

Back at home we sat in the garden with the cat and soaked up the late afternoon sunshine. Keith didn't want to eat the dinner I'd prepared and I made him a bowl of soup with some bread. He's slowly getting better but I think we seriously under-estimated the effect the operation would have on him...hopefully this time next week he will be well on the way to getting back to normal!

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