Wednesday 22 June 2016

Another hospital visit...

The lovely sunny weather seems to have disappeared for good as the forecast is for heavy, thundery rain and cloud for the next few days. Keith went to the hospital this morning for his research appointment and had a good chat with the nurses who run the session. He came back just before it was time to take Sophie to work and when we got home we had a delicious lunch of the leftovers from last night.

Mike was also due at the hospital today for a scan on his dangly bits...I really have had enough of all these health issues at the moment! I dropped him and Keith off and then went to get Sophie from work. As she was putting the Booker order away and wasn't finished her shift, I had a coffee and went and sat down for ten minutes. It perhaps wasn't the best thing to do as it made me think about my time there and everything we'd done over the years. Although a lot of changes have been made I noticed some little baskets in the storeroom that we'd bought in France for putting out biscuits and sweets and I felt quite emotional!

We drove to the hospital and collected the boys and then it was time to go home and mooch about for a while. I felt a bit guilty as I haven't done much today and the horrible humid weather means that it's a bit too wet to get out into the garden.

Our evening improved, though, as we played cards in the conservatory and I opened a beautiful bottle of Argentinian Malbec. Dinner was Spaghetti Bolognese and afterwards, when I was staring out of our front window, I noticed the people who own one of the rival play centres in Northampton walk past our house! They were delivering leaflets for the Leave campaign which surprised me! At least we have one thing in common!

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