Tuesday 14 June 2016

A job offer

I had an interview at 10am this morning (or a chat really) with our Accountant who has offered me a job in his office. I'd had plenty of time to think about the offer and was 90% sure that I wasn't going to actually take it but I thought it wouldn't hurt to find out a bit more.

I had to drop Sophie off at work a bit early and I managed to squeeze a quick cup of coffee in before I left to drive to the office on Brackmills. I was a bit scared I would be late! However I arrived on time and was shown into a small conference room where I had a chat with Phil. He explained about the job and I said that I was in the middle of a counselling course as I wanted to be honest with him about what I was doing. After a chat I was introduced to his office manager, Carol, and we had another talk about the job and what it involved. She was hoping to retire soon as she was 62 and was finding the workload a bit heavy.

I knew before I left that I wouldn't be going to work there. Carol was very nice but I didn't feel I could work with her and I had the feeling that although she said she wanted to do less and eventually stop working, she would find it very hard passing all her knowledge and skills onto me. Also, working in an office wasn't what I wanted to do until I retired myself so I knew that I would be contacting them to say no.

I drove home and Keith and I popped over to my Mum's house to help her with the weeding of her front garden. When they bought the house the front bit had been landscaped and quite a few plants put in, but weeds had started to poke through the bark chip that had been put down and they needed pulling up! We managed to pull them all up and the wheelie bin was a third full when we finished! As we worked the sky had clouded over and on the way home we had torrential rain. It's more like April at the moment rather than June!

We collected Mike and took him to school as he had an afternoon exam. We then had time to pop into Tesco at Weston Favell to get some bits before going back to pick up Sophie from work. She had been really busy and was more than ready to go home and relax! Keith and I had a chat with Maureen while we were waiting for Sophie to finish and she seemed a bit fed up with all the work that had been foisted on her lately! I think she misses us being in charge!

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