Monday 16 November 2015


Today has been spent uploading more video footage to YouTube so I now have lots of old films to look at on the website. I still find it amazing that I can take a 19 year old video and look at it on my phone!

Sophie wasn't at university today so we only had to take Mike to school. Keith has a really bad cold at the moment so I drove Mikey which was a bit stressful. I'm sure a lot of people leave their brains behind when they get behind the wheel of a car!

After school he brought his girlfriend, Heather, home and she was lovely - very pleasant, bubbly and charming. As Keith felt so horrible with his cough and cold he stayed at home and didn't go to the pub! I cooked dinner of nachos with cheese and chicken and it went a bit better than I expected. Sophie - a real aficionado of nachos and cheese - said it was almost as good as the dish she has in Las Iguanas. Praise indeed!

After dinner it was time for University Challenge and Sophie made us almost helpless with laughter when she put her blue rubber gloves on her feet and then waved them about in the air...Hmmm!

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