Tuesday 3 November 2015

A misty walk

Today has been another grey day and although the fog has lifted a bit, it still remained overcast and horrible. Keith went off for a walk this morning and I dropped him off on the way back from taking the children. I would have loved to have gone with him but we were expecting a parcel and I had another to be collected so I headed home and made a start on the ironing. I watched a programme on BBC 1 about the Battle of Britain which was very moving especially when they took a very old lady up in a Tiger Moth, an aeroplane she learned to fly during wartime.

After Keith returned home we bumbled about the house doing various jobs and Sophie called me to pick her up from uni early. I suggested we walk up to Mum's house in the late afternoon as she wanted to book us Pantomime tickets for a Christmas treat. First, though, we had to ask Mike if he wanted to go this year so we waited until he returned from school before walking up.

He dithered about going but in the end he said no, which didn't surprise me. Cinderella isn't really his thing but I think it's still nice to go at Christmas, a tradition we've been upholding since the children were very little.

Keith, Sophie and I donned coats and scarves as it was now quite chilly and walked up in the gathering gloom. Mum made us a cup of tea and we booked our seats for Boxing Day so that's something to look forward to!

Walking home was dark and very misty and I wished we were able to call into the pub for a swift half but it was Army Cadet night so we headed home to prepare dinner instead!

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