Tuesday 24 November 2015

Lots of stuff!

A lot of Mum and Dad's stuff was being moved into storage today so their drive was blocked by the removal vans. They asked me to take some boxes to store in our garage as this Saturday there's a Christmas Fayre being held in the church so they're going to try and sell some more of their bits and pieces on a table they've rented.

It was a good job that I'd emptied out garage out last week as it's rapidly being re-filled with Mum and Dad's boxes! I'm so glad my CDWM evening wasn't this Friday. I would have been very busy indeed!

The removal men had finished by lunchtime so Keith and I headed home for something to eat and then it was time to go and pick Sophie up from uni. It's been an overcast and dark day today but the very cold weather seems to have disappeared for the time being. When we arrived home I saw Sue and we chatted about our forthcoming meal out on Thursday night. I'm looking forward to going out and dressing up a bit for a change!

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