Thursday 19 February 2015

Customers from hell!

As forecast, we had rain today which meant that we were hectically busy first thing as customers queued up to get in and ensure they had a table! I was feeling horrible this morning because of a niggling headache and I knew that the day would turn out to be extremely busy indeed.

Mum and I shot over to Tesco to get some stuff for work and while we were there Dad called in a panic to say we needed change from the bank! When we arrived back Polly had put a "Full" sign on the door and customers were leaving to go elsewhere.

As we'd put a stop on people coming in, we had a relatively easy lunchtime and I have to say it was much easier to have some control over the numbers of customers. I always feel slightly panicky about crowds of people converging on us so it was good to know we'd called a halt.

In the afternoon it became busier again as Polly relaxed the entrance rules and we had two women come in who were probably amongst the worst we'd ever encountered, and one of them used to work for us in the Nursery! They were angry that we wouldn't let a 12 year old in their group play and demanded to see a Manager. Sophie tried to deal with them at first (all credit to her!) but in the end Dad had to go out and tell them to leave as they were swearing and calling my daughter some really horrible names! We really are having our fair share of nasty female customers at the moment!

Sophie and I stayed until 5pm today and then went thankfully home. Keith and I picked Mikey up from Brixworth and then we retired to the pub for a quick drink before dinner. Whilst we were cooking pork chops, some of the electricity blew and we realised that the element in our cooker had broken. It meant we had to finish the chops off under the grill, so another problem will need to be solved!

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