Sunday 29 September 2013

Sunday sickie!

Today I had so much planned but I hardly did any of it as I woke up feeling a bit yukky! Keith took Mikey to his second day of Army Cadet training in Northampton and I made porridge again, which was delicious.

Sophie was due in at work, but Keith said he would take her while I had a bath and tried to work up some enthusiasm for getting things done that desperately needed doing! I made the mistake of going into Sophie's room to hoover up the cobwebs that festooned her walls and managed to spend the next two hours in there! I'd noticed them on Friday evening when I sat in her room while she straightened my hair and couldn't leave them any longer. She hadn't made her bed so I stripped off the bedding and put it on to wash before pulling all her furniture out and giving the room a thorough clean. Imagine my surprise when I pulled out her chair in the corner and found a tribe of people farming potatoes!! The dust was that thick!

I worked until lunchtime when Keith made me a cup of coffee and cut me a slice of his freshly baked banana bread. He'd made another loaf as he wasn't happy with his first one, and it was definitely an improvement!

I never did go and get the paint for Mikey's room or the varnish for the front door and the garage door. As the weather was forecast to be sunny and dry I thought I would take the opportunity to get this chore out of the way before winter sets in, but I'll bet now that we won't get another sunny dry weekend this side of Christmas!

Mikey called at 3.30pm to say he wanted picking up and no sooner had I got home than it was time to go and collect Sophie from work. Another weekend gone!

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