Friday 20 September 2013

Come Dine With Me!

After a very pleasant Friday - I finished work early and went home to do two hours of gardening - Keith drove me over to my friend Lynda's house as she was hosting a "Come Dine With Me" evening. My old work colleagues, Andrea and Fiona, were also coming along and we'd been given strict instructions to wear red and bring lots of pennies with us!

Lynda presented us with a cocktail to start which was delicious, followed by sparkling wine as we took our seats at the dining table. We started with a beautiful pork dish served on a bed of salad with a spicy sauce and some very good bread and butter. For the main course she'd prepared a Thai Green curry which was gorgeous. The dessert turned out to be an exotic cocktail of fruits and ice-cream which really refreshed the palate and was served with a sweet wine.

In between dessert and cheese and biscuits we had a riotous time playing roulette. Lynda didn't have a clue how to work out the odds so we made up a set of rules of our own and Andrea won all the pennies, although she did give them back to Lynda for her New York fund!

By the time we'd finished the cheese and biscuits (and Port) we were all quite merry and stuffed full of great food. I called Keith to come and pick me up and when he arrived we invited him in so he could see Lynda's new "pet" - a stuffed kitten curled up in a basket which, when you inserted batteries, breathed and purred...bizarre!

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