Monday 30 September 2013

Monday morning blues...

I woke up late this morning and really felt like staying in bed all day. I don't know what's wrong with me at the moment, but I ache everywhere and I can't seem to shake off a bad headache that's lasted for almost a week. I need a holiday!

Today, of course, was cleaning day at work, so I took some more painkillers with my coffee and soon felt a bit better. Cleaning the tube slides is never my favourite job but the dust was getting thicker and they had to be done. After lunch Keith and I popped down to Homebase to get a new border for the wall in the Tots area and while we were there we bought the paint for Mikey's room and a new duvet cover for him. I'm not thrilled with our choice but it will have to do for the time being. If he decides he wants a theme, like Sophie, a bit later then we can adapt the colours.

Both Sophie and I wimped out of the gym tonight. I left my gym bag at home this morning and I just couldn't face driving home to get it and then driving all the way back down to Riverside. I felt guilty but I will make up for it on Wednesday and Friday when, hopefully, this dratted headache will have gone!

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