Monday 12 November 2012

Snuffling my way through the day!

We were closed to the public today so it was great to get a lot of things done and have a bit of breathing space before we open again tomorrow. I spent most of the morning with our Health and Safety consultant who was very pleased with the progress we'd made with a couple of things since his last visit. He said he was definitely not worried about our business which was reassuring to hear!

The weather in the afternoon was horrible and I picked Sophie up from school in the pouring rain. It wasn't until we got back to work that we realised her gym bag was still in Keith's car...who was at home! It would have been so easy to leave going to the gym tonight, but we decided to drive home, pick up her bag and then go and it only made us about half an hour later than normal.

I'm glad we did go, though, as we had a lovely time and I did all my exercises despite my yukky cold! We even managed a blissful swim afterwards and on the way back up to the changing rooms I met my fellow Wine Club member Liam and we chatted about the forthcoming evening. I'm really looking forward to it as we're comparing a standard wine and a more expensive wine so I'm hoping it will be very interesting indeed!

We hurriedly showered and dressed and sped home, getting back to start the dinner just before Keith returned from the pub! Ooops!

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