Sunday 25 November 2012

The hunt for a swimsuit...Part 2!

I slept rather badly last night as the wind raged and the rain lashed down outside, probably due to the amount of alcohol and food I'd consumed! It's definitely back on the diet and back to the gym on Monday!

Today, though, I felt a bit tired and a bit hungover and I really just wanted to curl up on the sofa all day but Sophie, after all her friends had gone home, wanted to go shopping in Milton Keynes...Ugh! I needed to go as well because my swimsuit had now malfunctioned as well - the underwire in the bust had come loose and had lodged itself under the drum of our washing machine, so although I'm getting away with it for now, I really need another costume!

We left at lunchtime and the driving was made difficult by the bright sunshine, such a contrast to yesterday! We found a parking space relatively easily and were soon on the hunt for new clothes but there were no swimsuits to be had at all! The shops are just full to the rafters with Christmas booty and winter clothes and even though I did find a rack of swimsuits in John Lewis, they were £55 each!
Sophie spent all her money within about 30 minutes and deciding that it really was a bit too busy we headed for home, although I did buy some Christmas cards so I'm slowly getting in the mood!

Back home I fell asleep on the sofa and then watched Miracle on 34th Street (the original) with a couple of glasses of Cloudy Bay that Sue and Paul foisted on me. After a night's breathing it was still fairly intense, but I drank it nonetheless!

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