Wednesday 18 May 2011

Two days into one

We're still sorting things out from the burglary at work. Today we had two engineers in to sort out the smashed fire and burglar alarms. They were working side by side up their respective ladders and it just looked funny to me, although it wasn't quite so comical half an hour later when Chubb told me that the fire alarm panel was no longer working and had to be replaced...

I remarked to Keith that maybe crime was good for the economy - after all we have a whole host of people involved in repairing and replacing stuff that was vandalised, but who pays in the end? Us because of increased premiums, I suppose.

I spent all afternoon grappling with our new upgraded payroll from Sage. The one we have (or had) is dated 2008 and there have been lots of changes in legislation this year so we had no option but to fork out a small fortune for an upgrade. When I loaded it onto the computer it told me that our old system was just too old for the upgrade so I had to call Sage and speak to a very nice man who told me what to do. I then had to do six weeks of payrolls in one go which is all done now! At least something is working!

Last night Keith and I watched "Schindler's List". I've managed to avoid watching this film for 18 years but after reading Sarah's Key I wanted to finally see it for myself. I steeled myself not to burst into tears and I did manage, although some parts are heart-rendingly sad. I'm glad I've finally seen it, though, and put that particular bogey to rest!

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