Saturday 21 May 2011

Friday 20 May

Although today was supposed to be my day off, Keith and I had to go into work to open up as my dad is a bit poorly at the moment. Mum came in at 9.30, though, and took over so we went off to Asda again in a repeat of last Friday!

We had an appointment with our mortgage advisor today but when we saw her she said that as our original mortgage had been with another building society we had to go to them to sign the form that would release our endowment mortgage. Nothing is ever simple, is it? We returned home and I rang Santander who very helpfully knew what we were on about and faxed a copy of the letter to my work address. Keith and I then drove into work, picked up the copy and sent everything off. I hope now that that's the end of it and we can pay everything off next month!

R.I.P Jakey-lad 

On Friday evening, very sadly, my mum and dad's cat, Jake, had to be put to sleep. He was 16 years old so had a good long and very happy life, but over the past few months he'd been ill and he just wasn't getting any better. They were both heart-broken but felt they'd made the right decision as they were worried he was going to wander off and not come back. They'll have lots of happy memories of him - here's a photograph I took last summer when he was looking like a very dignified old man.


Anonymous said...

Oh, thats sad news Jane. But as you say, a good life & lots of happy memories.I'm sure they'll miss him lots though. Cheryl x

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Jakey Jane, he looked a character, I’m glad he had a happy life but I’m sure they will miss him

Janie said...

Thanks, both of you xxx