Sunday 1 May 2011

Spring is bursting out all over!

After their late night last night, the children were up a bit later this morning and after we'd made their breakfast Keith and I went to get the Sunday papers and then called to see mum and dad for a coffee. I made plans with mum to go to the garden centre as I had lots of pots to fill and I wanted some new baskets for the front garden to add colour.

I tried to persuade the girls to come with me but they would have none of it and as I half expected, Sophie became bored by early afternoon and kept wheedling at me that she wanted something to do with Susie. Why they should both be bored, I have no idea, especially on a beautiful day like today. In the end, worn down by Sophie's wheedles, I said I would take them both to Milton Keynes and the garden centre would have to wait until tomorrow.

Mum was quite happy to go and we spent a happy hour and a half wandering around the shops and having coffee and cake in Caffe Italia. We took the long route home as Keith had phoned to say there'd be an accident on the M1 so we returned via Filgrave, Olney and Castle Ashby again. The Spring countryside looked gorgeous with all the may flower in bloom, cow parsley in the hedgerows and the horse chestnut tree blossom everywhere. Surely there's no lovelier time of year than this?

Back home we had our first barbecue in months which was delicious. Later this evening I'm taking the girls to watch Scream4 at the cinema...I think they're mad. It looks very scary to me!

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