Friday 13 May 2011

Busy, busy!

After a sort of lie-in (difficult when the children are getting ready for school) Keith and I went off to the new Asda at Kettering to do the weekly shop. We are die-hard Tesco shoppers but we fancied a bit of a change and we were pleasantly surprised. First up was coffee as our dear son had drunk all the milk on Thursday evening leaving us none for tea or coffee this morning. I had a cooked brekkie while Keith had a bacon bap. With a mug each of coffee and tea it came to only £5.62!! Bargain!!! We'll be back for breakfast, that's for sure!

Shopping somewhere new is always a risk as we tend to forget half the things we came for and today was no exception. Somehow we missed the whole of the toiletries section so I'll be off to Boots tomorrow to get the things we forgot! However, it was a lot quieter than Tesco and some of the prices were cheaper. We will definitely try it again (plus diesel was much cheaper than a lot of petrol stations so I filled the tank of my car).

When we got home a letter arrived about our mortgage. Our endowment mortgage is due to finish next month after 22 years and although we knew there'd be a shortfall it's not looking as bad as we thought. If the Stock Market keeps as it is we may gain a little bit more before June so we're keeping our fingers crossed. We dug out the original documents and it seems incredible that we took out the mortgage so long ago, when we weren't even married to one another!
In the afternoon we went off to Dreams and bought a bed for Mikey. It was flat-packed and we did have a few hilarious moments trying to get it into my car but we succeeded in wedging it in in the end, no doubt to the amusement of the sales staff who reckoned it would fit in the back of a Fiesta...Yeah!

Dismantling the old one and putting up the new one was fun and half way through I had to leave Keith and go and pick Sophie up from school as she was working. I think my dad expected me to stay and help but as I was in my scruffs and the house was in uproar I politely declined. When I went back to pick her up at 6pm I spotted an old flame from years about embarrassing! I was 19 and he was married so nothing serious happened but it was a little awkward nonetheless! We had a little chat and I discovered he had five children...maybe I had a lucky escape!

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