Sunday 22 May 2011

Saturday 21 May - the garden beckons!

Saturday was sunny but also very windy. I used the new lawnmower for the first time and loved it despite one of the wheels falling off half-way through! The grass is becoming like straw and the ground is rock hard and dusty but the garden did look a lot neater when I finished. Keith busied himself with taking Mikey's old bed apart and made me a lovely work bench at the back of the garage with the wood. He covered it with some plastic sheeting to protect it from the rain and it'll be great to use it for potting up plants and storing empty pots and garden tools.

I pottered about the garden doing some weeding and tidying up as best I could. I also retrieved our parasol and seat cushions from the garden and gave them all a good wash. There was no way I could turn the earth as it was rock hard so that will just have to wait until we get a good downpour, whenever that will be!

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