Wednesday 29 May 2024

Sleepy head!

After seeing Sophie off to the gym this morning, I set my alarm for 8.30am and then slept through it! I woke at 9.15am wondering how I'd never heard it go off!

After doing some boring, but necessary, financial chores, Keith and I went to Jones's where we bought a few things, including more grass seed for the front garden. I wanted to go to a nearby garden centre to buy geraniums and compost so we headed there and had lunch in the busy restaurant first. I'd forgotten it was half-term so the place was packed with children and dogs!

I went to the counter to order our lunch and watched with amusement as a woman decided to ask the young girl serving loads of questions about the food and the choices there were. The woman in front of me looked my way, and we both exchanged looks!

With lunch over (and I'm afraid to say it wasn't memorable), I bought three packs of geraniums and a bag of compost. We drove home, but as the afternoon was chilly and grey, I decided to plant them at the weekend when the weather was supposed to be sunny and a bit warmer.

I pootled about doing the usual Wednesday chores - vacuuming downstairs, the porridge, my lunch and the list for shopping. All good fun!

After dinner tonight, we watched the last episode of Race Across The World and I was delighted to see the two young lads, Alfie and Owen win! They beat the mum-and-daughter team by about ten minutes! It had been a great series this year and some of the places they visited looked gorgeous!

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