Thursday 9 May 2024

I am so grumpy!

My busy, shorter, shift passed very quickly and at 2pm Keith came to pick me up in the VW and we went to collect the bedspread from the launderette.

Back home, I changed (it was warm again) and drove over to the care home to see if I could get Mum and Dad back onto Netflix. I resorted to calling their helpline, but after changing the email address and password, it still wouldn't work, so it was hugely frustrating. I had wasted an hour and still hadn't got anywhere!

I left them and walked back to the car, managing to rip off one of the straps on my sandal as I walked, so I had to drive back home barefoot... not really what I wanted! On the way, two vans on two separate occasions nearly wiped me out (one was our new neighbour who took a bend at such speed he was on two wheels), so by the time I arrived I was gibbering with annoyance and frustration. What made things worse was the arrival of the invoice from the council with the bill for my Mum's care home contribution. She had had to pay from last June, and we'd only just received the invoice for almost £8000. I dreaded to think how much my Dad's would be as he has to pay more!

I was in such a bad mood that nothing made me feel better. I Facetimed Sophie and even speaking to her didn't bring a smile to my face. As soon as she ended the call, I phoned Netflix again and this time, with another email address and password, I managed to sort it out. I'll go straight from work tomorrow and get them back onto the channel so they can enjoy it over the weekend.

Keith made me a G&T but nothing put me in a good mood! Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday!

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