Sunday 26 May 2024

A change in the weather.

Sophie and I went over to Tesco in Kettering this morning to buy toiletries for Mum and Dad, and while in there, we forgot about our own lunch! The place was packed and we couldn't wait to get out, to be honest! We filled her little car up with petrol and called into a Co-op on the way to the care home to buy something for lunch - thick bread, salad, cocktail sausages, little nibbly things and a pasta dish.

We popped in to see Mum and Dad, dropped off their things and had a chat with them before going home. The beautiful weather of yesterday had given way to grey skies and showers today, so I was glad I'd mowed the verge yesterday!

We ate lunch and enjoyed a glass of wine with our little meal before pootling about for the rest of the afternoon and doing lots of laundry. I'd brought some of Mum's clothes home to be washed and Sophie even stood and ironed, bless her! 

I helped Sophie put her fresh bedding back on and we relaxed by playing Scrabble before Sophie cooked our evening meal. It was delicious and there was enough leftover for my lunch on Tuesday when I'm back at work.

After dinner, we watched another very interesting Netflix documentary about a man who went missing in a remote Australian town called Larrimah. Some very strange people featured in the two-episode documentary and there were a lot of tensions bubbling under the surface of what seemed like a friendly town!

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