Sunday 19 May 2024

Off to the tip we go!

The weather forecast was correct and we awoke to blue skies and sunshine. Hooray! We waited until about 10am to venture out into the garden, and Keith and I carried all the wood through from the gravel garden into the garage. The old "love seat" was rotten in places, very green and covered with nails, so we had to be careful!

Keith manoeuvred my car up the driveway and we loaded the wood into the boot. I'd put down some plastic sheeting to protect the carpet from the old wood. Vince and his family were also messing about with cars, so they were literally parked everywhere!

We took the load to the tip and managed to park right next to the wood skip to throw it all in. We returned home and this time Keith cut up a load of prunings from the two trees in the garden. Why we'd kept them, I'll never know!

While he was cutting them up I mowed some of the lawn and then helped him put the branches into the car along with some other rubbish that needed to be recycled. We drove back to the tip, and this time headed for the garden skip, which was the most popular, as people took advantage of the fine weather to get their gardens into shape.

While we were visiting the tip, Sophie had built a lovely little path across the gravel with bricks so the cats didn't have to walk on the stones, which they hate. It looked lovely! She was very pleased with herself and used up some bricks that had been lying around for ages.

I finished mowing the lawn and pottered about trimming the edges and clearing out rubbish behind the garage, so the garden bin could live there again. I also placed three patio slabs by the conservatory so we could put our garden chairs on them to sit and enjoy a cup of tea or a drink. Everything looked so much neater! We now just have to do a bit more weeding in the gravel garden and buy a table and chairs to put down at the end.

It was heaven to sit and have a cup of tea with Sophie and admire our hard work. Back inside, Sophie had made a Key Lime pie with a meringue topping for tonight's dessert. It looked gorgeous! She then cut my hair and painted my toenails and fingernails. What bliss to lie and relax and be pampered!

After a hot shower, it was time to snooze on the bed and relax. I felt tired but it was a nice feeling to know that we'd achieved some long-overdue jobs!

Dinner tonight was a simple cold meats, salad and new potatoes meal and we ate much earlier than usual as we were going to have dessert. We watched Race Across the World and sampled Soph's lovely pud!

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