Thursday 30 May 2024

A busy Thursday!

Today has been a busy one! I had a hectic shift at work from 8am until 2pm, and then I took my Mum to Natalia's to get her nails done. This time, Mum was waiting for me in the reception area (she didn't want a repeat of the last time I picked her up for her nail appointment!) and before we left I chatted with one of the carers about my parents' upcoming trip to the coast next Wednesday. I was happy to hear that they would be getting out of their room for a day and going to the seaside!

We drove to Northampton, and when we arrived at Natalia's house, her husband and a couple of other men were working on a huge yellow van in the small car park opposite. It looked like they were going to convert it into a camper van!

Mum chose a rich red colour for her nails and I took the opportunity to relax and read my book, which was much needed after such a hectic day!

Before dropping Mum back, I stopped to collect some clothes we had washed and ironed for her, and Keith came along on the journey to Kettering to keep me company.  It was heaven to finally get home, relax and play cards with Keith in the kitchen before dinner!

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